Blog Questions Challenge: TV Shows
Doing the Blog Questions Challenge posted by the bot that jcrabapple has set up, because it's what all the cool kids are doing now.
What TV character from a beloved show do you wish you could be best friends with in real life?
I think it would have to be Chuck Bartowski from Chuck. He seems quite fun, but serious when he needs to be. And since Morgan was able to join him on missions in the later seasons, I'd also hope to get sucked into some adventures.
If you could binge-watch an entire series again for the first time, which one would you choose and why?
Optimally it would be the entire Stargate franchise, but it had to be just one show it would be Stargate SG-1. I've not enjoyed a show that's come out as much as I have this one, so getting to experience the joy of a first watch again would be great.
Name a TV show that changed your perspective on the world or taught you something valuable.
Person of Interest really helped shape my perspective on AI, the government, and capitalism.
And The Screen Savers (and every TechTV show) really helped me not feel alone when nobody around me was an into tech as I was.
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