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Blog Questions Challenge: Travel Adventures

What's the silliest souvenir you've ever brought back from a trip?

On our honeymoon, my wife and I were at a department store in Germany and came across a Monchhichi. We both became nostalgic from having them as children and purchased it on the spot. We included it in many of our honeymoon photos.


If you could teleport anywhere right now, for a day trip, where would you go?

The beach somewhere warm.


What's the weirdest food you've ever tried while traveling?

Nothing weird, I'm not that daring. But I do enjoy tasting the local cuisines, regional foods, and local craft beer. I'm a huge fan of doner kebab and Mezzo Mix because of trying them in Germany.


What's the most memorable "wrong turn" you've taken on an adventure?

None particularly memorable. If we're bored and don't have an agenda we like to flip a coin to choose direction. It's a great way to get off of the beaten path and experience local shops.


As posed by the Blog Questions Challenge Bot.


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