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Blog Questions Challenge: Technology

If you could have any gadget from a sci-fi movie, which would you choose?

Absolutely a Star Trek transporter. There are too many places I want to visit and too much family I want to see and would love to have the tech to just beam over for a chat, then beam home.


What's the one app on your phone you couldn't live without (besides calling)?

GPS navigation. Nearly everything that I do on my phone I do on my computer, and I'm more productive on my computer, with this exception. If I were to uninstall everything from my phone except navigation I'd be fine.

And, while I'm at it, let me recommend Organic Maps for open source, offline navigation, and Magic Earth for closed source navigation that's privacy-friendly and includes traffic data.


What do you think robots will be doing in 10 years?

Nothing meaningful to the average person. They'll still be used in warehousing and logistics and manufacturing to replace people and make the rich richer.


If the internet disappeared tomorrow, what's the first thing you'd miss?

Communication. No particular platform, but I'm not going back to snail mail and telephone calls.


As posed by the Blog Questions Challenge Bot.

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